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Cocos Palm

Cocos Palm
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Invasive Plant
Cocos Palm
Syagrus romanzoffiana

This fast growing palm with smooth grey trunk can reach 20m in height. It has a crown of arching fronds with plume like dark green leaves. This palm does not 'self clean' and retains spent fronds against the trunk for many months. Flowers are inconspicuous however the fruit are bright orange-red and 25mm in diameter.



  • Birds, bats, rats and flying foxes are drawn to the attractive fruit and assist in seed dispersal.
  • Garden dumping is also responsible for the wider distribution of this plant.
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Other superior selections include;

  • Archontophoenix alexandrae - Alexandra Palm
  • Livistona drudei - Cabbage Tree Palm
  • Livistona decora - Weeping Cabbage Tree Palm

Ask your local retailer for more superior selections


Alternative Plants

Carpentaria Palm
Photo: Norwood
Alternative Plant Carpentaria Palm
Carpentaria acuminata
Trees and Shrubs

Tall slender and graceful palm growing to 20m. Light grey trunk with prominent rings. Long deep green fronds to 3.5m form a dense thick crown. Inflorescences form below the crown shaft with white flowers later forming deep red berries.

Foxtail Palm
Photo: Norwood
Alternative Plant Foxtail Palm
Wodyetia bifurcata
Trees and Shrubs

Spectacular palm from North Queensland and worldwide best seller. Large 2.5m long plumose fronds of dark green emerge from the slightly bottle shaped clean trunk. The fruit are reddish orange, plentiful and large (6cm). This is a self cleaning palm that sheds old foliage.

Solitaire Palm
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Alternative Plant Solitaire Palm
Ptychosperma elegans
Trees and Shrubs

In cultivation this palm rarely exceeds 10m in height and is often much shorter. Leaves are dark to olive green above with a greyish underside. It only has 8-10 leaves at the crown but they are gently arching. It is a graceful and beautiful palm, looking its best when several are planted together of differing heights.

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