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Golden-leaved Black Locust

Golden-leaved Black Locust
Photo: Fleming's Nurseries
Invasive Plant
Golden-leaved Black Locust
Robinia pseudoacacia 'Frisia' and other grafted varieties.

This deciduous, spreading tree has dense, drooping clusters of fragrant, pea-like, white flowers appearing in spring. The trunk has rigid and furrowed bark, the luxuriant leaves are golden yellow when young and turn orange yellow in Autumn.



  • They are prone to suckering. This happens because the variety is grafted on to a vigorous understock, R. pseudoacacia, also known as the False Acacia. The False Acacia will grow to 20m (60') and is native to the United States. It is a deciduous tree with green compound leaves and sharp thorns and it is now naturalised in many parts of Europe, Asia and Australia.
  • If its roots are damaged (for example by a mower or whipper snipper or by digging) or if the roots hit an obstacle, such as a clay soil, they will produce suckers. This characteristic is retained when the tree is used as an understock.
  • The hard-coated seed may also be spread longer distances in soil or water or occasionally by animals.
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Alternative Plants

Indian Bean Tree
Photo: Fleming's Nurseries
Alternative Plant Indian Bean Tree
Catalpa bignonoides
Trees and Shrubs

A fast growing tree to 12m tall will provide wonderful summer shade, large heart shaped leaves appear after the bell shaped white flowers. Highly recommended.

Photo: Fleming's Nurseries
Alternative Plant Liquidambar
Liquidambar styraciflua 'Rotundiloba'
Trees and Shrubs

specimen for large open spaces such as parks and gardens. Notable for its unique foliage shape, autumn colour and the reported absence of woody fruit.

Mop Top Maple
Photo: Fleming's Nurseries
Alternative Plant Mop Top Maple
Acer platanoides 'Globosum'
Trees and Shrubs

A dense, symmetrical and formal round-headed small tree to 5m high by 4m wide. Very tough and an ideal street tree where space and height are limited. Generally not prone to pests and diseases and requires little or no pruning to hold its shape. Once established it is quite tolerant to heat, drought and pollution. An excellent alternative to Robinia mop tops.

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