Grow Me Instead (GMI) is an initiative of Nursery & Garden Industry Australia (NGIA) promoting a positive change in the attitude of both industry and consumers toward invasive plants. Originally starting in NSW as 'Discovering Alternatives to Garden Escapes' the Grow Me Instead program now covers the whole of Australia. Funding from the Australian Government has enabled the publication of Grow Me Instead guides for each state and territory.
The Grow Me Instead project in Queensland has been supported by NGIQ through funding from the Australian Governments Caring for our Country. Thirty (30) invasive plants were identified in each of three Bioregions; Sub Tropics, Dry Tropics and Wet Tropics along with a range of suggested superior alternatives. The funding provided for the publication of three GMI guides, one for each bioregion, and the establishment of a national GMI website which integrates the information from previous GMI projects into a single web presence.
The invasive plant lists are not definitive for each bioregion, there are many other plants being monitored for their invasive potential. Industry and consumers are encouraged to seek professional advice and to make the most informed plant choice possible.
Use the map to identify your bioregion and follow the prompts for both the invasive plants and their recommended non invasive alternatives.